Edushare is an online web platform that aims to connect students and teachers in a collaborative learning environment. The platform offers a wide range of courses, from programming to design, and provides a space for students to interact with their peers and instructors. The goal of Edushare is to create a community of learners who can share knowledge and support each other in their educational journey.
This project showcases various stages of design and development, beginning with the initial phase of brainstorming logo concepts. I sketched four different logo options and ultimately selected the fourth for its unique appeal. Following this, I used Adobe Illustrator to vectorize the chosen design.

I developed a design system, which includes elements such as color schemes, typography, wireframes, and shadows. These components are detailed in the Figma design file, see them here. Additionally, I crafted various components, including icons, form elements, alerts, and navigation tools, which are available in the project file as well.
With the design system in place, I shifted focus to user experience (UX) development. This phase involved creating two user personas, a user story, a journey map, a user flow, and a moodboard, all of which are detailed further in this link.

The final and most enjoyable phase for me was designing the user interface. I drew inspiration from other learning platforms such as Udemy, Lynda, Coursera, and Codecademy. I conducted research into how similar websites looked which helped me to identify key user-centric elements to focus on. After some planning and creative exploration, I began crafting the design. You can view all pages from the link below: